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«María y los demás» wins the San Sebastian International Film Festival

In an exciting turn of events, the film «María y los demás» (Mary and Others) directed by Nely Reguera, managed to snatch the top prize at the San Sebastian International Film Festival.

Quick Summary:

  1. Nely Reguera’s film «María y los demás» wins top prize at the esteemed San Sebastian International Film Festival
  2. Lead actress, Barbara Lennie, delivers a memorable performance that captivated audiences and judges alike
  3. The film explores the dynamics of family life, dealing with themes of identity and personal freedom
  4. Link to original video clips and reviews are maintained for more context and details. Visit www.x.com for more information

Barbara Lennie shines in a captivating performance

The leading actress, Barbara Lennie, was praised for her powerful performance, portraying the struggle and growth of her character with exceptional depth. Her portrayal of Maria, a woman grappling with issues of identity and familial expectations, was widely recognized as moving and thought-provoking.

Key themes set the film apart

«María y los demás» grapples with universal themes of identity, freedom, and the complexities of family dynamics. The film delves deep into the character’s personal journey, making it not just an immersive narrative, but also a reflection of everyday struggles that resonated with many viewers.

Bullet Points:

  • Nely Reguera’s film, «María y los demás,» has won the top award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival
  • Barbara Lennie was lauded for her emotionally resonant performance as Maria
  • The film deals with themes of personal identity, freedom, and family complexities, echoing universal human experiences


In conclusion, «María y los demás» is more than just a movie; it’s a masterful exploration of human sensibilities and common struggles that we face in everyday life. The recognition at San Sebastian International Film Festival, particularly with such a prestigious prize, is a testament to the film’s significance and the stellar performances of its cast. This triumph marks a significant milestone in Spanish Cinema, paving the way for more such compelling narratives in the future.

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